Deep down, we all long for the deeper reality of life. Our quest for beauty, connected relationships, justice and spiritual connection are signposts pointing us to the God who satisfies all these longings. God desires for us to be reunited with himself: the one who created us, loves us, and makes us new… and through Jesus we are invited into union with God.
For many of us, this is a connection with God for the first time, as we consider that the call to follow Jesus is an invitation to trust that “God became one of us, so that we might become one with God.” Renew Church is a community where you are respected and safe to ask all your questions, examine your doubts and explore who Jesus is and what it means to follow him.
For others, this feels like a reunion with God as we reawaken to a connection with God we once knew but have lost. We remember a time when we believed in Jesus, but now God seems far away. We are invited to come as we are.
As we are reunited with God, we come more alive – there is a new freedom and sense of identity as we receive what God says to us in baptism, “You are my beloved child, in whom I am well pleased.” We are invited into lives marked by radical grace and forgiveness, and are compelled to live in both humility and boldness as we serve all our neighbors and come alive together.
As we are reunited with God who made us, loves us, and is renewing all things, we grow in connection with one another in community. In this process, we discover who we truly are.
Jesus taught that loving and knowing one another are directly connected to our sense of being known and loved by God.
At Renew, we intentionally reconnect with one another in community. In a city that can be beautiful but superficial, we are authentic and real. In a political landscape that becomes tribal and divisive, we are inclusive and gracious with one another; especially with those who think, live, or act differently. In a social media culture where image is everything and real relationships are fleeting, we connect intentionally to know and love one another.
And as we do this, we discover our truest selves.
As we’re reunited with God and reconnected with others and our true selves, we don’t stop there. We are redirected outward in God’s mission of renewal to a beautiful and broken world. Renew San Diego is an outpost of Jesus’ resurrection renewal, and we are called to be Jesus’ very hands and feet wherever we go. We exist not only for the good of those inside the church, but for the good of all our neighbors to experience the wholeness, joy, beauty, life and love of God.
It is our responsibility and our joy to live into Jesus’ great calling: to receive God’s blessing, to be renewed in mind, body and spirit; and to reflect that renewal wherever we go! This is why we are a church that exists not just for ourselves, but for the good of all our neighbors.
This is why we are a church:
That remembers what it’s like “not to believe”
For those who are spiritual but not religious
In the neighborhood, for the good of all our neighbors
For the spiritually thirsty and physically hungry
That preaches and embodies both spiritual and physical transformation
That pursues both individual and communal renewal
That you can bring your friends to anytime
That is both a hospital for sick and hurting people who need to be healed and a launch pad for mission that sends out wounded healers to move toward the pain points and needs of our neighborhoods, city and world.
For a more in-depth look on the Three R's, read this blog: